Nile River Greatness

Nile River Greatness
Cows grazing in Nile basin land

Monday, October 26, 2009

Nile Fortune Magazine

Nile Fortune Magazine
Our Brand is Nile fortune magazine
Strap line: Expanding Business beyond the Horizons
“We are proudly The only Business Magazine linking Nile Basin Countries”
The Nile Fortune Magazine Circulates in the 10 Countries that form Nile basin organization of Southern Sudan and North Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Burundi, Egypt and DR Congo with the circulation of over 50.000 copies.
The Nile fortune Magazine is a monthly color magazine that does in depth and analytical coverage of the Nile Basin businesses and information dissemination. It is the first of its kind in Nile Basin member countries. It mainly runs along with the e-Fortune websites whose contents are developed together with the business leaders and other stake holders of the Nile Basin. The Nile fortune Magazine and the website advertise the economic resources, business that attract investments in the Nile Basin Countries. Also the Nile Fortune magazine and e-Fortune will showcase the effectiveness, timely, relevant and reliable information that is locally applicable and user friendly to the development of business in the local governments. We are a magazine of choice for procurement, advertising, marketing, promotion and communication practitioners as well as ordinary users.

Why Partner With Us
Associating with Nile Fortune Magazine is required for any business operating in Africa or wanting to venture into the Continent particularly in the Nile Basin region.
The Nile Fortune Magazine aims at Promoting investments in the region by making Business news and information accessible to Investors and consumers who amount to over 350 Million People through effective mass communication and collaboration with all development partners in the region and Africa in general.

Vision: To be the leading business development Communication publication in the Nile Basin.

MAIN OBJECTIVE: Sustainable social-economic development within Nile basin region and Africa in general.
The overriding objectives that underpin the vision of The Nile Fortune Magazine are as follows:
• To contribute to the dissemination of accurate and timely development and Business information in the region and Africa in general.
• To create a forum for sustainable flow of development information.
• The Nile Fortune Magazine aims to turn Nile Valley Region into a Silicon Valley of Manufacturing, Trading and investment through reliable, accurate and incisive analysis on the region.
Editorial policy: Information dissemination for Development of Nile Basin Members.
Primary target: Policy makers; Governments in the Nile Basin, International and local Investors, Private sector and the upcoming middle class, local communities, International Humanitarian and relief agencies, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Government Institutions, The business community.
Secondary Target: General public and ordinary users.
Mission: Sustainable social-economic development within Nile basin region and Africa in general.
Team work, integrity, passion for results, customer focused, valued investment info.
What is our Target?
Our target market is the business in the Nile Basin local government policy makers, parliament, private sector and civil society organizations. We reach out by using the government catchy magazine and e-fortune website information dissemination, development news, stories and then distribute the gathered compacted information to the governments, private sector, the civil society and the general public. We also have an active website.
What is our strength?
We are aware that the media landscape in Nile Basin with a population of more than 350 Million people is awash with publications in excess of 1,000 covering diverse spectra like food, fashion, politics and other areas. The main strength of fortune magazine is that it is based on in-depth research and business analysis for purposive business communication. Through magazine, governments, public institutions, civil society and the private sector are able to disseminate information in the Nile Basin areas. We focus on top-notch news across the 10 Countries of Nile Basin, Africa focus as well as international coverage. Regular features include articles on the latest Businesses, trade and finance, Information Technology, Manufacturing, Leisure and Hospitality, Tourism ,culture ,real estate, construction, Health, Transport, Mineral and oil, Banking, wealth Management , Farming, Education, population statistics, job and business advertisements, tenders and other business community’s activities, sports and Entertainment from the different countries in Africa.

The Nile Fortune Magazine is edited for modern, well-rounded individuals with diverse, general interests enabling you to get to know what you deserve to know at the right time and in a right place.

Why are we there?
We are in the market because we realize that there is need for a publication that can provide incisive and educative journalism and can act as a reference point for policy makers, institutions of learning and other research users. The fortune magazine comes in to bridge the information gap between the businesses in the Valley. The developed content on the Nile fortune will provide reliable and timely information that is locally applicable, user friendly written both English and in local languages. As a great African philosopher Frantz Fanon taught us, “Every generation has its mission to fulfill or to betray. If it fulfils, the future generation build on it and if it betrays, it leaves the burden to the future generation to destroy the poor foundation to build a stronger foundation.” We strongly feel it is our responsibility to contribute to the knowledge and development of our districts.
Who uses the Nile Fortune magazine?
Government and private sector offices, business community, Policy makers, consumers, Corporate leaders, intro & outro investors, opinion leaders, diplomatic missions, NGOs, CSOs, donors, hotels, schools, homes as well as the ordinary person at street level.
At the business view the following;
A buyer looking for your services through the following ways
• Recommended customer
• Customer reached by your advertising
• Solicited client
• Passers- bye
• Former customers

Buyer looking for any firm
• New comers and tourist/ investor
• Emergency buyers Dissatisfied buyer
• Comparison shoppers
Our circulation: At least 50,000 Copies.
Governments in the Nile Basin, International and local Investors, Private sector and the upcoming middle class, Local communities, International Humanitarian and relief agencies, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Government Institutions, The business community.
Nile Fortune Magazine provides information to the Governments of the East African Community and other Nile Basin Countries on the lucrative businesses and potential selling points.
It circulates in the major towns in 10 Countries such as Kampala, Entebbe, Jinja, Kabale Mbarara, Mukono in Uganda; Juba, Yei, Wau, Malakal, Bor, Khartoum and Port Sudan in Sudan; Nairobi, Mombasa, Eldoret, Nakuru in Kenya; Dar esr Salam, Arusha, Mwanza and Moshi and Zanzibar in Tanzania. Also in Kinshasa, Goma , Lubumbashi in DR Congo; Bujumbura in Burundi, Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. Circulation extends from Kigali and Butare (Huye) in Rwanda as well as in Cairo and Alexandria in Egypt and Asmara in Eritrea.

The population of the Nile Valley Region is estimated at 350 Million people. This is the biggest single market for consumer products in Africa. For those who want to get into the networking business but have some fears, The Nile Fortune Magazine comes to rescue you and erase these fears; it also serves to link producers and investors to potential customers in the population of over 350 Million people. Nile Fortune Magazine has a strong reputation for accurate, brisk, and vivid reporting to help those seeking to market their goods and services.

Profiling your goods or/and services in the Nile Fortune Magazine, will deliver the following benefits to you:
1. Display period ; a monthly long shelf life for your service messages,
2. High daily effective circulation and a high pass along rate,
3. Pocket friendly advertising rate,
4. Unrivaled production quality and.
5. A cross cutting audience.
Special offer e-Nile Fortune Magazine incentive
Free press releases, launching and rebranding news, job adverts, and tenders, notices on our websites for Member of Nile valley business who booking a space with Nile Fortune Magazine worth 1500 USD.

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Juba-Khartoum, Kampala, Nairobi, Arusha-Dar esr Salam, Kigali, Adis-ababa, Goma- Kinshasha, Bujumbura,Asmara and Cairo, AFRICA
THE NILE FORTUNE Expanding Business beyond the Horizons • The Nile Fortune Magazine is a business Magazine published by The Active Nation Ltd committed to effective communication through Newsprint. The Nile Fortune Magazine Circulates in the 10 Countries that form Nile basin organization of Southern Sudan and North Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Burundi, Egypt and DR Congo with the circulation of over 5000 copies for a population of over 200 million people. VISION Sustainable social-economic development within Nile basin region and Africa in general. Clientele: Governments in the Nile Basin, International and local Investors, Private sector and the upcoming middle class, Local communities, International Humanitarian and relief agencies, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Government Institutions, The business community. MUGUME D. RWAKARINGI MD, NILE FORTUNE MAGAZINE +249-955003929