Nile River Greatness

Nile River Greatness
Cows grazing in Nile basin land

Thursday, December 24, 2009


By Fareed Musa Fataki

Liking means more than talent. The days of standing in line and putting decals on widgets are over. People don't hire you because you're capable. They hire you because they want to work with you. If you don't get along, and get along well, the interview will probably be fruitless. Unless, of course, you applied for the "Assistant Placer of Decals on Widgets" position...
Actions speak louder than words. Your actions in the past -- relayed in story form -- will tell the employer much more than any generic response. Your stories will give the interviewer the tangible examples he or she seeks, and they will convey a very strong sense of your individuality, making you stand out more.
The most important first step to getting a job interview is getting past the recruiter.
Recruiters are usually your first contact with a potential employer. And they often decide whether your resume/ CV lands on the hiring manager's desk or in a far-off filing cabinet.
While it's important to know the basics of what recruiters do, you also need to know what they DON'T do. After all, you don't want an inappropriate request to ruin your chances for an interview.
Here are four things you shouldn't ask of a recruiter.
Don't Be Overly Friendly
Sure, recruiters are usually warm, friendly and helpful. After all, it's their job to put you at ease and guide you through the hiring process. But they're professional colleagues, and it's crucial that you never forget it.
Think of the recruiter as a respected coworker and treat them accordingly. Be friendly, but not overly casual or familiar. It's wise to keep personal conversations, jokes and physical contact to a minimum.
After a tough interview with a hiring manager, you may be relived to see a recruiter's smiling face. Don't be tempted to let your guard down though; you're still "on," even if the interview has ended.
A useful rule of thumb: Don't say or do anything in front of a recruiter that you wouldn't say or do in front of your boss (or your mother).
Don't Expect Career Coaching
Bring an insane amount of (intelligent) questions. Nothing feels worse that not being prepared. If you don't bring loads of questions, you're not prepared. At some point, the interviewer will ask you what you want to know. For the record, you want to know everything. Be curious. Be interested. Be engrossed. Ask your question, and then get ready to listen. Don't think of what you're going to say next. Just soak up every word like a giant sponge. The more questions you ask, the more you'll get out of the experience. And as a bonus, they'll know you care deeply about their business. When you care about what they care about, you both start to align, and that's when the magic happens. The recruiter's goal is not to help you get a job. It's to help you navigate the hiring process at one specific company.
Recruiters aren't career coaches. It's not appropriate to ask them to help you craft your cover letter, edit your resume or plan your career path.
You can ask questions about the company or industry in general, but try to relate your questions to the job you're being considered for. And save your best, most thoughtful questions for the hiring manager -- that's who you need to impress most.
Don't Ask for Insider Information
There's only one job candidate you really need to worry about: You. Be persistent. It's incredibly easy to get lazy, give up and feel sorry for yourself.
People will turn you down, never call you back, and forget your name over and over again. None of that matters. What matters is perseverance. If you can't handle losing a few battles along the way, you're in for a tough road ahead. Getting a job is like winning a war. It takes patience, planning, time, effort, dedication and a little bit of luck. The chips will fall your way sooner or later. If you stay persistent, you'll at least give yourself a chance to catch them.
Though it may be hard to resist, don't ask about who you're up against for a job. Recruiters generally won't share information about other candidates. And asking for specific details about the competition makes you look insecure in your own skills.
However, questions about the hiring process or the position itself are fair game. Here are a few questions you can feel comfortable asking:
• Are you still interviewing candidates?
• How large is the current pool of candidates?
• How would you describe the ideal candidate for the job?
• Is there anything I can do to make myself a stronger candidate?
The best way to get an edge on the competition? Make yourself a more competitive candidate.

Don't Request Special Treatment
Although you may wish you were, you're probably not the only candidate for the job.
And, while recruiters are often happy to help, their aim is not to be your advocate to the hiring manager. Their aim is to fill a position.
Never ask a recruiter to put in a good word for you with the hiring manager. If they think you're a strong candidate, they'll probably sing your praises anyway.
Also, don't ask them to relay a message to the hiring manager for you. Instead of saying, "Tell So-and-So it was very nice to meet him ...," send a thank you note.
Taking the initiative and speaking for yourself shows the hiring manager that you're capable, confident and conscientious.
Remember, if you treat the recruiter well, chances are they'll treat you the same way.
Focus on their needs, not yours. It's tempting to sell ourselves, to talk about how great we are, and to show off our past experiences. But guess what. No one cares. What they really care about is how your "amazing ness" will translate into success for their company. Don't focus on your talents; focus on what your talents will do for them.

Blogging will give you a HUGE leg up. Blogging forces you to analyze, collaborate and create solutions. It also gives you plenty of ideas for improving customer experiences, businesses and relationships. These skills (among countless others) will give you confidence, poise, energy and know-how when it comes time to explain yourself. Your insights will be sharper, your thinking will be deeper, and your ability to express your opinions clearly and concisely will be much stronger.
These few tips are just the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more we can learn from each other about the interview process as a whole, so please feel free to share.

I will be more than happy to receive your comments, suggestions, and subtractions before my next article. My sincere appreciation for those who shared a line with me when compiling this Article; all I can say is keep it up, we have a duty to show our young generation the right way and approach to getting the desired job. Thank you for your comments in the last artcle.

The writer is the Deputy Director for Establishment/ Human Resource, with the Southern Sudan Centre for Census, Statistics and Evaluation; he is also a Consultant in Peace and conflict resolution as well as a Researcher. You may contact him through email: or call him hi on +249(0)955001557/+249(0) 126689429.



By Our Financial Expert

The World economic Crisis hit almost everyone both the poor and the rich; small income earners, middle income earners and high income earners of all currencies. Like any economic hardship, it hit hard those with little or no knowledge on saving habits. Nile Fortune however gives you tips on how you can be able to save money.

It should be noted that saving money and being more frugal is neither a science nor an art; rather it is somewhere in between and requires your commitment and hard work. Saving money takes time to develop, needs to be learnt, and brings benefits that will endure for the rest of your life.

Begin saving money today. Do not put it off. Saving money is within your control and can bring you huge benefits. You will reap the rewards of saving money for years to come. Below are the

1. Spend Less:

This is not over simplifying the best way to save money! It is essential if you are serious about being a long term money saver. Review what you spend and look at ways you can save money. Consider making telephone calls for instance only at off-peak times. Do you really need to have newspapers and magazines delivered? Can you do without those coffees you buy at break time everyday - would a flask of coffee taken to work save you money? What about using the public lending library instead of buying books or music CDs? Once you start looking for ways to spend less you will quickly become an expert and really save money.

2. Establish a personal budget:
This is essential for families and individuals. You will not be able to save money unless you know how much money you have coming in, and how much money you have going out. Once you have prepared a budget of incoming money and outgoing money, you will be able to identify areas where you can save. It is MUCH more difficult to save money over a long period of time (the rest of your life?) without a budget.

3. Make a list and stick to it – planning is important:
You can make the list based on what you need plus what is on sale by looking at the circulars for where you are going.

4. Buy in bulk/buy ahead, but not more than you’ll use:
Bulk is good. Think about shopping and buying in bulk. You can also save money by cooking in bulk. This is a real way you can save money with little preparation and almost no extra outlay. Always purchase generics when you can. Prepared foods and convenience foods will always be much more expensive than the generic ingredients needed to make the food. Preparing food in bulk and in advance also gives you the opportunity to plan ahead and be more accurate in your budget. Save Money by buying in bulk whenever you can. If you buy in bulk, make sure that this should not be on items that can easily expire as it can be wasteful. Buying in bulk is not only a good way to save money it is also a good strategy for coping with and surviving emergencies.

5. Do Price research:
Make sure a sale is a sale. By this I mean do your price research before you commit to making an expensive purchase in a retailers money-off sale. You have to be sure the sale really is a sale and not a creative marketing strategy of the store to encourage you to spend your money without thinking. Once you have researched the true price of a product (any product) you are in a good position to take advantage of a sale, special offer or discount and really save money. "Buy one get one free", "50% off", and "Huge Discount" will only help you save money if the actual price you pay is lower than you would pay somewhere else for exactly the same product.

6. Buy used:
Buy used. Sure, we all like to buy new. But there are huge money savings to be made in buying used. Typically cars lose one-third of their value in the first 24 months from new. Why not buy a car 24 months old? Other items such as clothes can be worth even less just the day after new. Look for ways to buy "as good as new" items and save money. Typical products you might consider buying used to save money include: cars, clothes, electrical goods, garden items... tools and sheds, household items... pots and pans, the list of used goods where you can save money is endless.

7. Save Money:
No, I mean really save some money. Each week or each month get into the habit of putting an amount, however small into your savings. You could start by saving a very small fixed amount each time and then move to putting in larger amounts once you begin to save money from your other money saving strategies. You will find that by saving money on a regular basis you will quickly build up a store of reserve money and also feel motivated to save more. The hardest part is to take the first step and start saving money - so START TODAY and save some money NOW! If you find it impossible to save money once you have it, consider having money deducted from your paycheck direct each month. This can be a great way to save money rapidly as once it is set up you will not notice it is being collected and your savings will grow with no more effort from you.

8. Shop Wisely:
Consider markets, superstores, farmer's markets, local shops, marts and stores. Anywhere is worth checking out to see if you can save money. Farmer's Markets can be particularly good places to save money. Typically you are buying direct from the producer of the product so the savings are passed on to you. Use your bulk buying strategy here - farmer's markets often offer opportunities to save money by buying larger quantities of staples, for instance potatoes, rice or corn. Save money and shop wisely.

9. Eat in rather than out:
This is a huge area where you can save money. A cup of coffee taken out could easily cost you TWENTY times (or more) what it would cost you to make it at home. So think before you drink when you are out. Eating is the same. Fast food restaurants are counting on you eating food that you perhaps don't really need at that time but buy just because it is quick. Why not wait until you get home and have a more nutritious meal and save money at the same time.

10. Use less:
This money saving tip is a lesson we all need to learn. We live in a consumer society where waste is a huge problem. If we could all use and consume less there would be less waste, less power consumption, and the benefits for you are SAVING MONEY. Consider using less shampoo when you wash your hair, this may not mean washing your hair less effectively it means not flushing the excess shampoo and your money down the drain. What about saving on heating? Turn the thermostat down or put on extra clothes when you are cold. Turn off lights, the TV and the computer when they are not in use. Each little saving you make will build up and enable you to save money. Huge savings in energy can be made which will save you money and be good for our planet and the other people on it.

There are other ways how you can be able to save large sums of money which include never go to the grocery store on an empty stomach, not to be afraid to make substitutions and going alone- avoiding going places with friends, children as they may influence you to but what you would have otherwise avoided.

Wherever you are, what ever you do, no matter how much money you are earning; if you do not discipline yourself and start making some savings-NOW, you will live to regret. It is important to make savings when you are now making money because you never know what may befall you, it could be the only last chance you are having for saving some money.


Rwanda the Switzerland of Africa

By Mugume D. Rwakaringi

Rwanda is always referred to as ‘the Land of a Thousand Hills’ or the “Switzerland of Africa”. This is because its beautiful hills the country harbors. Despite its proximity to the equator, the climate in Rwanda is cooled by the high altitude. It is warm throughout most of the country but cooler in the mountains.

The Gorillas and Birds:
Interestingly the three countries of Rwanda, Uganda and the Republic of Congo commonly have a share of the rare mountain gorilla whose main sanctuary is the Virunga
. The Virunga Conservation Area, on the upper slopes of the Virunga volcanoes form three neighboring national parks namely, Parc National des Volcans in Rwanda, Mgahinga National Park in Uganda, and Parc des Virungas in DR Congo. Over 350 mountain gorillas (half of the world population) live in this region.

Genocide Memorials:
Genocide Memorials also form one of the Tourism attractions. The Gisozi memorial site is located in Kigali City. There are two other memorials south of Kigali, both accessible as a day trip. The church at Nyamata, about 30 km from Kigali, was the scene of a horrific massacre and Ntarama church, about 5 km down a right-hand fork, which branches off the Nyamata road roughly 20 km outside Kigali. There are other genocide sites in the Country such as Kabgayi Church Museum and the National University of Rwanda Museum.

Nyungwe Forest:
Among the major sources of attraction is Nyungwe Forest which protects the largest single tract of montane forest remaining anywhere in East or Central Africa. It is a remarkably rich center of biodiversity, harboring, among other things, 75 mammal species, 275 birds, 120 butterflies, and more than 100 varieties of orchid. The main attraction of Nyungwe Forest is its primates. Chimp tracking can be arranged at short notice and relatively minor expense. Several other monkeys are readily seen.

Akagera National Park:
Akagera national park is named after the Akagera River which runs along its eastern boundary. It is relatively warm and low-lying, and its undulating plains support a cover of dense, broad-leafed woodland interspersed with lighter acacia woodland and patches of rolling grassland and other mammals such as buffalos and hippos.

Best time to visit Rwanda:

Rwanda can be visited at any time of the year. The long dry season, June to September, is the best time for tracking gorillas and hiking in Nyungwe, since the ground should be dry underfoot and the odds of being drenched are minimal.

Rwanda recognizes her potential in tourism and steps up to consolidate her position in Tourism.
Last Month, the Country launched the Standards Criteria for Classification of Accommodation, Restaurants and other tourist facilities in conformity with the newly approved East African Community (EAC) standards.

The classification helps also tourism sector administrators to maintain an inventory for policy and planning purposes.

The efficient organization Rwanda has in her Tourism industry has paid dearly with the Country winning major international Tourism and Travel awards.

Rwanda recently was the only African country to be honored with one of the seven outstanding awards at the World Travel Market (WTM) Exhibition in London as Best Stand Personnel award beating other 600 selected exhibitors. This award was attributed to the excellent Customer service, professionalism and doing business atmosphere at the stand.

"This is a tremendous achievement for the country coming six years after Rwanda was re-launched at the same expo”, confirms the enthusiastic Rosette Rugamba, Deputy CEO of the Rwanda Development Board- Tourism and Conservation.

For the third time in a row Rwanda also emerged as The Best African Exhibitor at the world’s premier tourism trade fair, Internationale Tourismus Börse (ITB-Berlin) 2009.

Tourism revenues have consequently increased by 50% to an estimate of USD 209M compared to USD 138M, in 2007. International visitor arrivals in 2008 increased by 18% to 980,577 visitors from 826,374 visitors in 2007.

Rwanda was named among the hot top 10 travel destinations for 2009 by Lonely Planet (one of the worlds most credible travel guides).

It is thus not surprising that Tourism is the number one foreign exchange earner for Rwanda. Rwanda recorded 120,809 international visitors during the first quarter of 2009.


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Juba-Khartoum, Kampala, Nairobi, Arusha-Dar esr Salam, Kigali, Adis-ababa, Goma- Kinshasha, Bujumbura,Asmara and Cairo, AFRICA
THE NILE FORTUNE Expanding Business beyond the Horizons • The Nile Fortune Magazine is a business Magazine published by The Active Nation Ltd committed to effective communication through Newsprint. The Nile Fortune Magazine Circulates in the 10 Countries that form Nile basin organization of Southern Sudan and North Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania, DR Congo, Ethiopia, Burundi, Egypt and DR Congo with the circulation of over 5000 copies for a population of over 200 million people. VISION Sustainable social-economic development within Nile basin region and Africa in general. Clientele: Governments in the Nile Basin, International and local Investors, Private sector and the upcoming middle class, Local communities, International Humanitarian and relief agencies, Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Government Institutions, The business community. MUGUME D. RWAKARINGI MD, NILE FORTUNE MAGAZINE +249-955003929